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Since we can't wait to see everyone, we have decided to throw our very first FrankenFamily Reunion on February 1st, 2025!
What is the FrankenFamily Reunion, you ask? Well, its a chance for Richard, Cory, and Matt to hangout with everyone who wants to come hangout at the home of FrankenCon 2025 at the Hilton Knoxville Airport! That's right, there's no charge, just come hangout and have dinner with us in the fantastic Resturaunt and Bar! We can talk horror movies, maybe play some card games, talk FrankenCon stuff, and just hangout! We hope to see as many of you as possible!
You have the option to book a room that night so you can partake in some adult beverages and this is at a special room rate at the fabulous Hilton Knoxville Airport!
If you would like to stay at the Hilton for a special room rate, call the sales office @ (865) 970-4300 extension 3 and just mention the FrankenFamily Reunion and they will hook you up!

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