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FRANKENCON 2025 media passes include everything a General Admission Combo Pass does. NO EARLY entry.


If you represent and qualify as any of the following:

  • PRINT MEDIA: Such as newspapers, magazines, and zines

  • TELEVISION & RADIO: AM, FM, Satelitte, local tv and news stations

  • PODCAST/BLOG: A regularly posted podcast with a Facebook and Instagram Account, A Blog or Vlog that will talk about the convention before AND after the event.


If you are a Freelance photographer not representing a specific media outlet should have a website where your work is displayed.


You will recieve 2 passes unless you work with FrankenCon to do more promoting the con actively prior to show then more passes could be provided.


A media pass DOES NOT guarantee you an interview with anyone including celebrities, FrankenCon Staff or volunteers cannot guarantee or obtain interviews for you. Many of the celebrities, vendors, artists, etc are very busy during the con. We ask that you be professional about asking people for interviews during the convention.


Please Fill Out The Form Below:







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